fridayfr.txt Ah yes....The tired but content feeling of the sweet afterglow. Or in this case, it should be the numb feeling. Trying to satisfy is always a difficult prospect, but the smiles and shivers of the results are always worth it. This may seem a bit vague at points, but I have omitted certain aspects of the evening ... in order to keep the anonymity of my partner. But a certain person will know it's addressed to her, and enjoy it to rekindle memories. Hmmm, let me try to remember the evening....... FRIDAY FROLIC ------------- After fighting the friday Dallas traffic, you arrive to my adobe. Entering it, all my preparations are apparent. The candles bathe the rooms in the warm flickering glow, and restful music surrounds. Some shrimp and various cheeses are ready to tempt the palette, the sound of the cork being freed from a bottle mixes with the soothing sounds. I fill a glass and we sip some wine, then our mouths connect. The flavor of the grape mixes with our own tastes, and we explore each other. After a few moments, your coat is discarded and we sit to relax a bit before the evening ahead. Brief words, slight openings, cautious comments, all are the standard fare for two who first meet. We are trying to delve into the person encased in the warm flesh seated nearby. But the preliminary process proceeds, and soon a relaxing stance is established. Laughs begin to fill the air, and wine loosens some of the cares of the day. The time to leave for dinner is at hand, and as I help you with the garment, once again our mouths mingle. This time it is a long lingering kiss, and quite pleasurable. But now onward to dine in comfort. Daringly I have planned the evening without reservations, and on a friday night that means a wait in the lounge while a table is readied. But this gambit has some very useful opportunities. While we share more fine white wine, we also share our feelings. As the piano player dances across the ivory keys and sings songs to entrance, we laugh and share the past and future thoughts. The little things which make us unique come to the surface, and are exchange in a dark alcove as we wait. Our interchange is so stimulating that without knowing it, the 20 minute delay has turned into 45. At this point the nectar of the grape is beginning to tell on us, and I leave to find the status of our table. Apparently we were notified twice, but seemingly never heard. However a short discussion leads to a fast resolution, and soon we are seated in a quiet alcove in the back. The meal could be a whole an encounter of its own. First the well prepared Ceaser salad, then the sweet butter and bread, followed by fine veal and shrimp. A little fresh asparagus, and more wine, then the relaxing coffee, followed by a chocolate confection shared. We were seated at about 8:30, but the lingering dinner and attentive companion seems to have altered time a touch, it is past 11:00 before we depart for further activities. The plans are for a comedy club, and then ... who knows? Reaching my vehicle after the meal, you shiver in the unaccustomed chill, but once inside your warming body flows to mine. Like adolescent lovers, we kiss and caress as the car heats, and we heat faster. Obviously we both feel that things are going well, I can tell from the nipples straining the fabric of you dress, and my desire is apparent to your roving hands. Disengaging, I slowly move out onto the highway, and to other planned activities. The drive to the club is a challenge, for you are nuzzling my neck and huddling close as I weave through the traffic. But we were not far, and once I am in the parking lot, I can turn to give you a little attention. The chill outside is totally forgotten as our bodies press close and hands caress flesh. For a while we continue, then realizing our location, we sheepishly fix our attire and enter the club. We have missed he headline act, now a pair is on stage impersonating various western actors. Within moments we are enjoying the offbeat humor, and the company. Consuming more fluids, you quietly whisper certain aspects ahead, and I know the night will be very long. Since we arrived late, in about an hour the show is over. Dissuading you from continuing to other haunts, we dive along Greenville for a while, them back to my place. But before we arrive, we stop to purchase some supplies. A few needed items for the night. Entering the grocery store, I ask where the whip cream and chocolate sauce are located. Based on the time, attire, and your visible desire, the clerk smiles as he directs me. Choosing the items, we kiss again in the aisles, and then move to leave. The cashier also realizes the future use, for the knowing glance in your direction says more than any words. Laughing, we walk to my car to continue the night at my place. There I relight the candles, and refill you glass. We sit by the coffee table and nibble on various items, and then each other. The romantic twist is obvious to me, this will not be a quick night. So I tease for a while, barely touching tongues and bodies. You seem to enjoy, so our nibbles and kisses last for an innumerable period. But as time passes, bit by bit your clothing also passes from you body to the couch behind. Eventually your dress is gone, only the silk nightgown underneath remains. Your nipples thrust forward, forming twin bulges atop the large expanse of your breasts. Cautiously, I slip a strap down past the shoulder, and trace wet circles from the undersides to the taunt point above. When my breath passes over the tip, you shudder, and I cup my mouth over one. Ah ... such a sweet taste ... and warm to the touch. But your hands are also busy, first removing my shirt, they playing in the reddish hair of my chest. As I pause my oral teasings of you twin beauties, you reply by tempting my nipples. While a man may not have the same size of a female chest, the nipples can be as erogenous. Thus you swirl your tongue around them, and rake my ribs with those red nails. I know welts will follow in the trail of your fingers, but now that is unimportant. When you move lower to my belly, my pants are removed, leaving only a bulge straining to escape from my shorts. To counter I slide the night gown off you, and slip the pantyhose from the moist patch concealed within. Soon we are both naked on the rug, and ready for some methods to 'sex'ercise off the previous meal. Sitting cross legged in front of me, I run my nails down your back. Just as you knew that a male enjoyed tit teasing, I realize that the fleeting feel of nails on the back can be quite fun. You squirm and shiver, then move closer. I lift you to my lap, and slip into the moist slick opening of your body. Our arms circle, and chests press together, as we rock back and forth. With no hurry, the circular motions of myself inside you continue. This is only one of the may facets we will share, and a fast release is not planned. Our rocking moves a bit faster now, as you lean back, I follow and cover you on the floor. A faster thrusting slaps my balls against your clit and moans escape from you. I slow and linger with each stroke. Easing the head in each time, allowing the shaft to be fully withdrawn, then inserted to the hilt. The rhythm of the act and your pants are in unison, a slow melody of lust ad the shadows dance on the ceiling. Finally pulling free, I roll to my back and you mount me. As those wide breasts sway above me, your eyes are closed in total concentration. Grinding and shoving the pelvis to the base of my manhood, you move closer to achieving the desired mutual delight. Then as I did, you slow and savor the feelings, not rushing to a fast release. The riding goes on for almost and hour, then we stop to relax and renew. Neither of us has come yet, but we have had more pleasure than a dozen orgasms. The night is still young, only about 4:00, and nothing else awaits tomorrow. So we nibble then move to different locations. The rest of the night was quite stimulating, on the deep carpet, a thick blanket, the bathroom sink, kitchen and finally bedroom. Each leaves its memory, and fun. By the next morning we had released twice. As I made breakfast in my robe, you teased and tempted for more. We did enjoy the rest of the day, the chocolate was fun, and the warm water of the tub highly stimulating. What started as a Friday date, ended with your departure late Saturday evening. It was a justifiable celebration of things, and the frolic of eros. Enjoy ... and remember .... N.C.